“They wanted it weird, and they wanted it fresh, and they wanted it organic, so in the dead of night Tommy Rider shot a three-eyed alligator in a ditch just outside of Houma.”
Coming soon to Marshland Horrors

Tank Baby
“The baby tank is in the hall closet because of the darkness requirements. It’s also very illegal, and not all that easy to move in the event of unexpected company.”
Read it now at Radon Journal
The Witch’s Wife
“There are only three things you can be: the Witch, the Witch’s Wife, or Soup. Regina gets to be the Witch because she lives in the woods and made up the game and because she has black places where her eyes should be.”
Read it now at MetaStellar Magazine

Electric City
“It could haven’t the grim purpose now seemed no serious, say, that’s obvious.”
The robot’s hands move with a jerking gait that’s nevertheless frighteningly rapid,
precise in a way its speech only dreams to be.”
Listen now at Tales to Terrify
Trapper Man
“It’s dark by six. The wind picks up. At eight the power flickers, flickers, goes out.”
Read it now at Cotton Xenomorph

“The grey waves of Monterey beach are high and white-capped and there is a shadow moving in them, huge and indistinct, like a figure behind a smoky-glass window.
Not a shark, though. It’s the wrong shape for a shark.”
Read it now at Every Day Fiction